
Transfer students with 24 transferable college credits may complete the degree in 3 ½ years. These students may start either in the fall or spring semester depending on which courses are being transferred in. 

Transfer students with 24 or more college credits will be directly admitted to the Nursing program with a cumulative college GPA of 3.我的数学和科学成绩都是A和B.



请注意: You will need to have completed either 解剖学 and 生理学我 and II to graduate within three academic years in our transfer nursing program. 从2020年秋季入学周期开始, students transferring into the BSN program must have completed these science courses within the last seven years. 科学课程必须包括实验部分, 哪个是在课堂上完成的,还是用工具包在网上完成的. 虚拟实验室不被接受.

2024年7月15日: 截止申请日期
2024年7月22日: 提交申请入学材料的最后一天
2024年7月29日: 递交保证金的最后一天(恕不退还)

32-45学分的转校生,包括解剖学 & 生理学I和II,可在3年内完成学位. 这些学生将在秋季开学.



完成你的BSN学位在两年,加上一个夏天. Transfer students with at least 45 qualifying transferable credits with a competitive GPA may be invited to enter and complete a Summer Fast-Track program of 14 credits in nursing. 一旦你顺利通过了所有的暑期课程, you may progress to junior year and start in the fall to complete the degree in 2 years. This option allows you to earn your BSN in just one summer and two years provided you meet the following requirements.

学生s interested in this option should apply for Fall 2024 and notify their transfer counselor that they are interested in being evaluated for this program. 

  • 大学累积绩点3.数学和科学课程都得A和B

有问题?  GMercyU转学招生顾问将很乐意与您交谈!

 You will need to have taken the following courses to be eligible for this option.

100 心理学概论 3学分
200 发展心理学 3学分
m 103 数学基础
CHM 111 联合医疗专业化学 3学分
CHM 111 l。 联合卫生专业实验室化学 1信用
生物107 解剖学 & 生理学我 3学分
生物107升 解剖学 & 生理1实验室 1信用
生物108 解剖学 & 生理学二世 3学分
生物108升 解剖学 & 生理II实验室 1学分
生物121 健康科学微生物学
螺母200 营养原理


有兴趣从巴克斯县社区学院转学? 截至2023年春季, here are the current equivalent BCCC classes for those listed in the "课程要求" tab above.

GMercyU课程 BCCC等效
100 110
200 181
m 103 m 103
CHM 111 CHM 101 & CHM 102 
杂志107年 杂志181年
杂志108年 杂志182年
生物121 杂志228年
螺母200 HLTH 121

有兴趣从卡姆登县学院转学? 截至2023年春季, here are the current equivalent Camden County classes for those listed in the "课程要求" tab above.

GMercyU课程 卡姆登县当量
100 101
200 109
m 103 任何大学数学课
CHM 111 CHM 101 & chm102(两者都需要)或chm151
杂志107年 杂志211年
杂志108年 杂志212年
生物121 生物221
螺母200 fn 107

有意从费城社区学院转学? 截至2023年春季, here are the current equivalent CCP classes for our course requirements listed in the tab above.

GMercyU课程 中国共产党等效
100 101
200 215
m 103 数学123
CHM 111 化学110
杂志107年 杂志109年
杂志108年 杂志110年
生物121 杂志241年
螺母200 111年的饮食

有兴趣从特拉华县社区学院转学? 截至2023年春季, here are the current equivalent DCCC classes for those listed in the "课程要求" tab above.

GMercyU课程 DCCC等效
100 140
200 210
m 103 任何基础数学课,都必须达到大学水平
CHM 111 格瓦拉于101年 & CHE 102(需要两门课程)
杂志107年 BIOL 150和实验室
杂志108年 BIOL 151和实验室
生物121 杂志230年
螺母200 生物课220 (RD教授)

有兴趣从蒙哥马利县社区学院转学? 截至2023年春季, here are the current equivalent MCCC classes for those listed in the "课程要求" tab above.

GMercyU课程 MCCC等效
100 101
200 206
m 103 垫103
CHM 111 CHM 121 & CHM 122
杂志107年 杂志131年
杂志108年 杂志132年
生物121 生物140
螺母200 ESW 206


努尔208 专业护理导论(2学分)
努尔209 护理实践基础(4学分)
努尔212 护理学健康评估(3学分)
努尔219 护理、药物和数学(1学分)
努尔324 病理生理学和药理学概念(4学分)


  • 夏季学费
    • 学生s accepted into our Summer BSN option will be offered a special summer tuition rate, 这将大大降低你的暑期课程的成本!
    • Summer 2024 rates will be posted here in December 2023 or early January 2024.

  • 夏季快速通道项目从5月中旬开始,到8月中旬结束. 学生s in this program must successfully complete all of the 14 nursing credits as well as all required pre-requisites course requirements to be able to begin as a junior in the fall semester.

  • All compliance (background checks, fingerprints, immunization and vaccine records, etc.)文件应在2024年5月中旬之前完成. All compliances must be completed in order for students to attend their course required clinical experiences in 努尔209 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice.

  • 学生s will receive a separate invitation letter into this program with a deposit deadline of April 15th. To accept this invitation, students can deposit their $200 non-refundable place-holding deposit.
请注意: 学生s enrolling in the programs above must have the ability to obtain a U.S. 背景调查和其他许可安排在美国.S. 临床/学校设置. U.S. citizenship or permanent residency is also a requirement for licensure within certain academic programs. International students and students who are under DACA status or are undocumented should carefully review the licensure requirements in their state before enrolling in a degree program that leads to licensure. 更多信息可在 全国州立法机构会议网站




  • 完整的申请 (无须缴交报名费!)
  • Final, official high school transcript if you have 23 or fewer college credits
  • 你所就读大学的正式成绩单
  • 推荐信1封(可选-非必需)

*Official transcripts may be submitted electronically by your high school counselor, 或通过Naviance或Parchment. 或者,将其连同所有其他必要文件寄至以下地址:

P.O. 901箱

GMercyU实行滚动招生政策. You should receive an admissions decision within a couple of weeks after submitting your completed application. 摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站申请有什么问题吗? 摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站!


我们提供 课程等效性指南 与当地社区大学合作,简化你获得BSN学位的途径. 了解更多 about how you can transfer your nursing college credits to GMercyU.

你也可以 摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站 to review how your nursing transfer credits fit with our nursing degree program requirements. 今天就开始护理转移流程!


在申请护理专业时, please know that students who are required to participate in clinicals in order to graduate will be required to show proof of vaccination in order to report to their site locations. These vaccines may include COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, flu vaccines, etc. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to find clinical placements for students seeking religious exemptions, 因为大多数临床站点不接受它们. 学生s who choose not to be vaccinated may not be able to complete these degree program requirements, 阻止你拿着学士学位毕业.


有问题 about how to apply to GMercyU as a transfer student or to learn which of your nursing credits will transfer? 我们经过专门训练的转学招生顾问随时准备为您提供帮助!

电话:215-641-5529分机. 21529
